underscore string capitalize

NuGet Gallery | underscore-string 2.0.3.
Typescipt-Underscore-String may be freely distributed under the MIT license. */. declare module. export function capitalize (str : string) : string;. export function.
batman.js | documentation.
underscore-string-2.3.0.d.ts - GitHub.
Typescipt-Underscore-String may be freely distributed under the MIT license. */. declare module. export function capitalize (str : string) : string;. export function.
If you're searching and replacing through a string with a static search and a static replace it's .. Capitalize the first letter of string in JavaScript.
How do replace Every UpperCase Letter with Underscore and the. ie the string looks like this but after doing what I want would look like this?
Push Underscore.js and Underscore.string functions to native JavaScript Objects. Yep! You have Sugar JS code styling but with Underscore npm install.
public static String removeAndHump(String data). 'Camels Hump' replacement of underscores. Remove underscores from a string but leave the capitalization of.
underscore.transparent - npm.
Inflector (ActiveJDBC - Framework Root 1.4.8-SNAPSHOT API).
Replacing underscore with upper case letter in java string - Stack.
Typescipt-Underscore-String may be freely distributed under the MIT license. */. declare module. export function capitalize (str : string) : string;. export function.
If you're searching and replacing through a string with a static search and a static replace it's .. Capitalize the first letter of string in JavaScript.
underscore string capitalize
string - Replacing spaces with underscores in JavaScript? - Stack.
Underscore.string provides you several useful functions: capitalize, clean, includes, count, escapeHTML, unescapeHTML, insert, splice, startsWith, endsWith.
Good, the underscore.string is just what I'm looking for – Freewind May 3 '12 at 1: 55 .. Capitalize the first letter of string in JavaScript · 1398.
lcfirst($string), Converts the first character of a string to uppercase ... as the first character, and is followed by an alphanumeric string or underscores. At lines 14.
ordinalize(value); singularize(pluralString); pluralize(singularString); camelize( string, [lowercaseFirstLetter]); underscore(string); capitalize(string). Batman.
Prototype enhances the String object with a series of useful methods for ranging from the trivial to the complex. Tired of stripping trailing whitespace?